Business Development and M&A
Terceiro Setor
Energy Sector
Internacional Business
Investment Funds And Structured Financial Transactions
Project Financing And Structuring
Competition Law
Electoral Law
Succession Planning
Foreign Investment
Real Estate Law
Bankruptcy Law And Reorganization Of Companies
Intellectual Property
Consumer Law
Civil Law
Labor Law
Administrative Law
Mining Law
Environmental Law
Legal Auditing And “Due Diligence”
Corporation Law
Tax Consultancy
Tax Law
This work consists of advising the Company in its evolution and the search for new business. Thought growth and expansion strategy Development que seek a frank expansion and maximization of results generated for business.
Working solely and exclusively a Winter Carvalho Consultants ensure hum distinguished service both the buyer side (buy-side). For any vendor side (sell-side), providing the details of how Customer All STEPS Growth and Expansion Process.
In a globalized world as companies need to broaden horizons IT’S commercial and Operational, avoiding thus an exclusive dependence Growth organic.
A Winter Carvalho works with hum Hard Confidentiality Standard, seen que collect so Operations Exposure Risks performed for market.